If you ever go to a planetarium and pick up a telescope, you probably want to see Neptune, the farthest planet in our solar system. Neptune, far away, is the opposite of Mercury. It's a mysterious, cold planet with mysteries that researchers can't overcome.
Like our own Earth, this distant Neptune experiences different seasons, just for different periods of time. The outermost member of our planetary system requires its sun to cycle much longer than our home planet, and the seasons there are subject to a much longer rhythm. As we all know, our blue home planet takes 365 days to orbit the sun. According to this, the four seasons on the Earth pass over each other. Thus, from a meteorological point of view, the season lasts a full three months.
However, this rule does not apply to Neptune. We know that the average distance between the sun and the Earth is just over 100 million kilometers, while Neptune is about 5 billion kilometers away. As a result, Neptune's full orbit around our home star will take 165 years. On average, a season on Neptune lasts about 40 years. It's so far away, with Neptune's average temperature below -328 degrees Fahrenheit, that human migration was never practical!
On top of that, scientists have found amazing storms on Neptune, the most violent storms ever found in the solar system, frequently raging through the body's atmosphere, but where they get their energy from is unclear. The background of these violent storms appears within a few days and then disappears rapidly upon arrival. Another research challenge is that different seasons also affect and alter the ice giant's climate to varying degrees 39bet-xsmb-xổ số tây ninh-xổ số binh phước-xổ số binh dương-xổ số đồng nai.
If summer peaks in Neptune's southern hemisphere, solar radiation heats up immediately, which is when solar radiation is most intense, the researchers said. At the same time, solar radiation is expected to enhance photochemical reactions in the stratosphere, since in the past this hypothesis could not be supported by the data due to the lack of infrared images. It exists only in theory. However, for a long time, thanks to technological advances in recent years, we are now able to compare theoretical models with actual situations.
At the same time, several powerful telescopes, such as the keck observatory and the very large telescope in Hawaii, scientists are using them to sort out and collected data in the past 20 years or so, Neptune is analyzed again and again in the infrared spectrum, and the freezing temperature in the process of evolution since 2003, during this period, in turn, including a maximum of Antarctic summer, Then came the summer solstice of 2005. In the course of their research, the experts encountered a completely unexpected result: instead of steadily warming in sync, Neptune's southern summers have actually gotten colder!
Over a 15-year period, temperatures in the corresponding regions were colder, with thermometers in the lower stratosphere dropping by about 46 degrees Fahrenheit. This development therefore stands in stark contrast to the predictions made by experts in advance. After the consternation of the researchers subsided, a fundamental question arose: What was the background to this change?
Although science has so far failed to provide us with an answer, but there has been a preliminary theory to explain this phenomenon, in midsummer temperature drop is associated with photochemical process in the earth's atmosphere, this is due to the enhancement of ultraviolet radiation, these processes have been enhanced, this may directly affect the atmosphere temperature conditions, And methane contained in the surrounding gas envelope absorbs sunlight, which warms the atmosphere. Photochemically formed hydrocarbons have opposite properties; for example, acetylene and ethane are known to emit infrared radiation that enhances stratospheric cooling.
However, the puzzling temperature drop isn't the only mystery researchers have encountered in the course of their work, because in fact, the ice giant's Antarctic winds have warmed dramatically between 2018 and 2020. If we look south of Neptune, we see that in a few months, its temperature has risen by almost 52 degrees Fahrenheit! The Arctic has been shrouded in the sun since the early 1960s, and such seasonal fluctuations usually occur so abruptly.
Not only that, but scientists seem to be observing other processes taking place in Neptune's atmosphere on a global scale. What are these ominous processes? Who knows, and while the details are still completely uncertain as scientists can only enter the realm of speculation for now, they hope to be able to quickly draw conclusions from the datasets that will be studied by the James Webb Space Telescope, and in the coming years, combined with the information being collected by the European Southern Observatory and the Very Large Telescope, We may soon take a big step towards unlocking Neptune's secrets.