3 thoughts on “What does the meaning of the golden gourd pendant mean?”

  1. 1. Noble prosperity
    It since ancient times, gourds have been one of the most primitive mascots of the Chinese nation, and gold originally means money, so the combination of gold and gourds means the meaning of wealth and wealth.
    If women are worn, it can enhance the charm of the wearer's temperament, and it can also make their wealth better and better to enhance their fortune.
    2, multi -blessing
    gourds are more vines, and multiple gourd seeds can be knotted on one stem, so it also means the meaning of multi -child and blessing, thinking that this descendant is The meaning of all generations, lush and auspiciousness.
    is generally suitable for sending and newlyweds, expressing their good wishes for them, hoping that they have the meaning of expensive children and children.
    3, Fulu Ankang
    people often hang gourds at the gate to use it to dispel evil and Zhaobao. Due to the homophonic of the gourd and "Fulu", its own shape and beautiful shape are beautiful. Gives a peaceful beauty.
    So it means Fulu Ankang, you can give it to the elders at home, hoping that they can be healthy and have no different birthday.
    4. Official Yun Hengtong
    gourds not only have the role of wealth, it also means the meaning of a good future and official transportation. Generally, it is best to send it to its boss. At the same time, it is also suitable for some students to wear it. Or place.
    The positive energy in it can help students improve their learning ability, be able to rank among the best in the exam, and improve bad learning.
    4. Marriage happiness
    The gourd is connected to two balls, just like the two are connected to the husband and wife. The husband and wife wear a golden gourd pendant, and the husband and wife are happy and beautiful.

  2. The meaning of the golden gourd pendant is noble and wealthy. At the same time, it means the meaning of multiple children and blessings. It is generally more suitable for the newlyweds to express their good wishes for them. In addition, it is also a symbol of Fulu. The elders of the elders express the meaning of good health and longevity.
    Cura is a common Feng Shui treasure in life, and gold -based gourd looks more noble, can remove the evil spirits of the dead, so that they can be as early as possible. The noble temperament can also play the role of wealth and evil.
    Pucting information:
    News wearing a golden gourd pendant:
    Is when wearing a golden gourd pendant, except for your closest family members, it is best not to let outsiders touch or stroke, play with me, etc. Otherwise, it is easy to transfer your own fortune to others, and you will also transport your wealth to others, which will cause your fortune to weaken.
    In the strenuous exercise or swimming, so as not to cause the golden gourd to slip to avoid unnecessary losses. At the same time, it is necessary to take it off in a bath or sleep. Otherwise, it will be with some strong alkaline chemical products Contact, causing the golden gourd to fade.

  3. 1. Noble prosperity
    It has been one of the most primitive mascots of the Chinese nation since ancient times, and gold originally means money, so the combination of gold and gourds means the meaning of wealth and wealth. Wearing can enhance the charm of the wearer.
    2, multi -blessing
    gourds are more vines, and multiple gourd seeds can be knotted on one stem, so it also means the meaning of multi -child and blessing, thinking that this descendant is The meaning of all -generation and lush and auspiciousness is generally suitable for sending and newlyweds, expressing their good wishes for them, hoping that they will have the meaning of expensive children and children and grandchildren.
    3, Fulu Ankang
    people often hang gourds at the gate to use it to dispel evil and Zhaobao. Due to the homophonic of the gourd and "Fulu", its own shape and beautiful shape are beautiful. It gives a peaceful beauty, so it means that Fulu is well -being, and you can give it to the elders at home. He hopes that they can be healthy and longevity.
    4. Official Yun Hengtong
    gourds not only have the role of wealth, it also means the meaning of a good future and official transportation. Generally, it is best to send it to its boss. At the same time, it is also suitable for some students to wear it. Or place.
    5. Avoiding evil protection
    In ancient times, people regarded gourds as mascots driven by evil spirits. This is because the gourd in ancient traditional culture is the magic weapon of many gods. For example, the magic weapon of Tie Tukuki is a gourd, while Tai Shang Laojun uses a gourd to store fairy Dan. It is regarded as a peaceful and blessing to avoid evil. The development of gourds is still the best choice for many friends as a peace.

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