3 thoughts on “Why did I buy a gold ring? Is it not enough purity?”

  1. It is not enough purity, because the purity of the gold content is relatively high, the higher the gold purity, the softer the texture, so it is easy to break.
    It daily care of the gold ring:
    1. The chemicals of cleaning essence will change the color of the gold, so you should take off the gold jewelry before doing cleaning.
    2. Avoid contact with high volatile substances such as perfume and glue directly, otherwise it will easily cause gold decoration to fade.
    3. Remove the gold ornaments when swimming to avoid chemical changes in the surface layer after encountering seawater or pool water.
    4. Put the velvet cloth and put it in the jewelry box during storage to avoid rubbing and damage to each other.
    5. The gold is relatively soft and easy to deform, so do not pull the necklace and other accessories to avoid deformation.
    6. Pure gold jewelry will have a chemical reaction when it encounters water and silver, and white spots appear. When cleaning, you can restore the original color as long as you grill under the alcohol lamp for a while.
    7. The gold jewelry after wearing is often lost due to stains and dust contamination. At this time, as long as the gold decoration is placed in the neutral dishwashing agent, soaked and washed in warm water, and then removed and wiped it. Essence

  2. No, generally the ring is relatively soft, and when the gold ring is thinner, it will be easier to deform or break. If you want to wear a ring that is not easy to break, it is recommended that you buy a K gold ring, and the K gold ring is relatively strong. It contains 75 % gold. For these jewelry knowledge, you can go to the Jubilee Liufu Jewelry Network, which has relevant knowledge in it. Search directly: Xixiu can go in.

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