How do you sleep in space? Can astronauts drink in space?

Many of us dream of flying into space one day, but many only see the surface because there are so many problems we need to overcome in space. Nowadays, we can learn about the life of astronauts in a spaceship or space station through video. So how do astronauts sleep in space?

In space, sleeping in zero gravity is a challenge. Who knew sleeping could be such a challenge? In fact, the problem in space is not just a problem, it's actually a big problem. Because of the weightlessness, astronauts cannot lie down to sleep. They have a so-called sleep station the size of a phone booth with a sleeping bag, a pillow, a light, a ventilation system, a laptop and a small space to store some personal belongings.

This is important because in the absence of gravity, exhaled carbon dioxide accumulates around the head, creating an anoxic environment. Sleeping bags must be tied to the floor or wall, although it is possible to sleep outside these sleeping stations. Astronauts usually sleep with earplugs and an eye mask to protect them from light and noise. Noise is usually produced whether astronauts sleep horizontally on the floor or vertically on the wall, making no difference, but since humans are used to sleeping horizontally, pillows become particularly hard when sleeping vertically, thus putting some pressure on the back.

Astronauts report that they can sleep up to six hours in space to get enough rest. This is presumably because the body doesn't tire out as quickly in weightlessness because muscles need to work less. However, this can happen while orbiting the Earth, when astronauts experience 16 sunrises and sunsets in 24 hours, making it difficult to adjust to a sleep rhythm. In space, drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden on the International Space Station. This is not only for safety reasons, but also for practical reasons for the ban, but historically there have been drinking celebrations in space 39bet-xsmb-xổ số tây ninh-xổ số binh phước-xổ số binh dương-xổ số đồng nai.

In the 1990s, astronauts hosted a cognac party on the Mir space station. To this end, they wore spacesuits and secretly sent wine into space, and the first liquid to drink on the moon was also wine. Today, alcohol is strictly off-limits on the International Space Station. First, there are concerns about the negative impact of alcohol on the ISS equipment and water systems, even mouthwashes or perfumes are not allowed because they contain alcohol, namely ethanol, which is very volatile and flammable and therefore poses a high safety risk. A drunk astronaut would jeopardize the entire mission.

In addition, the astronauts' urine is recovered through a water recovery system, which makes the water drinkable. In this case, alcohol can be dangerous to the system. In the case of beer, another reason for the ban was the carbonation in beer. The gas could cause serious damage to astronauts' tears, and some wonder if tears form in weightlessness. Tears are actually formed in the lacrimal gland, so tear formation also occurs in space. However, unlike what happens on Earth, because even if tears do form, they don't fall off but gather in front of their eyes, astronauts often report that their eyes tend to dry out in space. If fluid suddenly collects in front of the eye, it can even cause stinging.

Plus, we've all heard of "astronaut food." As the name suggests, it's a kind of food that's custom-made for astronauts, but why do astronauts need special food? Why can't they eat bread on the space station? This is because the crumbs will fly around due to the weightlessness and may block the ventilation holes, which can cause a big problem when going to the bathroom. A very special topic in space is going to the toilet. How do astronauts go to the bathroom in zero gravity? Many experiments have been done since man began to fly in space. Astronauts wear a high-tech diaper during spacewalks. On the spacecraft, there's also a toilet, a vacuum device that collects urine so it doesn't float in zero gravity, and then the urine is recycled.

f8b973e273c6313c4b27e240cbeb87acThere's also a matter of beards, of course, only for male astronauts. Shaving is inevitably going to be an issue in zero gravity when a person is on the space station for months, but we want to make sure these whiskers float in space because they can cause a functional malfunction that can be life-threatening. There is no running water in space, so this must always be taken into account. Even tiny floating hairs can be a disaster for space missions. So astronauts use a special kind of beard trimmer that's connected to a vacuum. When trimming, the hair will be cut off and vacuum your teeth immediately.

Astronauts also need toothbrushes and toothpaste to clean their teeth. But how do you rinse your mouth after dental care in space? As we all know, regular water in a toothbrush cup is out of the question, so they have to use a small bag of water attached to a straw, but they can't start brushing their teeth yet. First, the toothpaste tube had to be attached somewhere on the wall. The astronaut held the toothbrush in one hand and the other in a water bag. He squeezed a small drop of water out of the bag and let the toothbrush slide over it.

The brushing process itself is the same as it is on Earth. The main difference is that in space, you can't brush your teeth and then spit. Instead, astronauts draw water from a water bag and swallow it together when they're done.

Another interesting phenomenon is that astronauts lose their sense of smell and taste in space. After a few days in space, the sense of smell and taste buds disappear, scientists say, and scientists have been studying the phenomenon to find out why. The reason seems to be Earth's weightlessness. On Earth, gravity causes fluid to settle toward the foot. On the space station, fluid accumulates in the head. This has the same effect as a stuffy nose when you have a cold, and if you have a cold, your sense of smell and smell will be affected.

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